• DefederateLemmyMl@feddit.nl
      6 days ago

      most PCs by that time had built-in MIDI synthesizers

      Built-in? You had AdLib cards for FM synthesis, but they were never built-in and most PCs didn’t even have them. Adlib cards used the Yamaha OPL2 or OPL3 chip.

      Along came Creative Labs with their AWE32, a synthesizer card that used wavetable synthesis instead of FM

      You are skipping a very important part here: cards that could output digital audio. The early Soundblaster cards were pioneers here (SB 1.0, SB 2.0, SB Pro, SB16). The SB16 for example was waaaaay more popular than the AWE32 ever was, even if it still used OPL3 based FM synth for music. It’s the reason why most soundcards in the 90s were “Soundblaster compatible”.

      Digital audio meant that you could have recorded digital sound effects in games. So when you fired the shotgun in Doom to kill demons, it would play actual sound effects of shotgun blasts and demon grunts instead of bleeps or something synthesized and it was awesome. This was the gamechanger that made soundcards popular, not wavetable.

      The wavetable cards I feel were more of a sideshow. They were interesting, and a nice upgrade, especially if you composed music. They never really took off though and they soon became obsolete as games switched from MIDI based audio to digital audio, for example Quake 1 already had its music on audio tracks on CD-ROM, making wavetable synthesis irrelevant.

      BTW, I also feel like you are selling FM synthesis short. The OPL chips kinda sucked for plain MIDI, especially with the Windows drivers, and they were never good at reproducing instrument sounds but if you knew how to program them and treated the chip as its own instrument rather than a tool to emulate real world instruments, they were capable of producing beautiful electronic music with a very typical sound signature. You should check out some of the adlib trackers, like AdTrack2 for some examples. Many games also had beautiful FM synthesized soundtracks, and I often preferred it over the AWE32 wavetable version (e.g. Doom, Descent, Dune)

    • GoosLife@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      You just unlocked a memory for me. One of my dad’s friends had a super cool keyboard, I think it was a Casio. It had midi, and a bunch of built in instruments. Then he had another friend, who was a huge geek, who figured out how to extract the midi instruments from the keyboard, so we could use them to replace the cheaper sounding midi instruments in windows.

      Obviously it didn’t sound as good as the keyboard, because it still was dragged behind by inferior hardware on the PC. Not to mention the fact that some of the instruments just didn’t play, and that Windows liked to crash and revert all instruments back to the default if it didn’t like an instrument we tried to feed it, but I still remember it as something really badass.

    • Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      At the time (1995-ish) I was developing a series of Windows applications that let people compose music on their PCs, […] the actual quality of the music when played through a shitty built-in FM sound chip was depressingly awful

      And the a Atari ST and Amiga 500 was released in the late 1980s.

    • Yaztromo@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Along came Creative Labs with their AWE32, a synthesizer card that used wavetable synthesis instead of FM.

      Creative Labs did wavetable synthesis well before the AWE32 — they released the Wave Blaster daughter board for the Sound Blaster 16, two full years before the AWE32 was released.

      (FWIW, I’m not familiar with any motherboards that had FM synthesis built-in in the mid 90’s. By this time, computers were getting fast enough to be able to do software-driven wavetable synthesis, so motherboards just came with a DAC).

      Where the Sound Blaster really shined was that the early models were effectively three cards in one — an Adlib card, a CMS card, and a DAC/ADC card (with models a year or two later also acting as CD-ROM interface cards). Everyone forgets about CMS because Adlib was more popular at the time, but it was capable of stereo FM synthesis, whereas the Adlib was only ever mono.

      (As publisher of The Sound Blaster Digest way back then, I had all of these cards and more. For a few years, Creative sent me virtually everything they made for review. AMA).

    • thouartfrugal@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      Most of Creative’s AWE32 cards do use a real Yamaha OPL3 chip for FM synthesis, which can produce two-or-four operator voices. The latter of those can approach the quality of the voices in their DX7-family line of musical instruments. Even the older OPL2 chip that is limited to two-operator voices can sound great when programmed well (not that I’d call it realistic-sounding).

      The other synth chip on the AWE32 is the Ensoniq EMU8000. That one does sample-based synthesis as you describe above.

      Just wanted to note that Creative misappropriated the term wavetable synthesis when they marketed this and other sample-based synthesis cards of theirs, and the misnomer spread widely to the products of other companies and persists to this day.

  • ZILtoid1991@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    And then three things happened at once

    1. Creative de-facto monopolized the industry often by unethical means (suing Aureal into bankruptcy, etc.), not letting much room for competitors, which in turn lead to diminishing quality on the part of Creative.
    2. Microsoft didn’t put hardware acceleration support into XAudio, which superseeded DirectSound.
    3. Game publishers realized the vast majority of gamers didn’t care about sound quality, so they could spent those resources on making the games look a little bit more realistic.
  • TheRagingGeek@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    How quickly we forget the chip tunes of the PC Speaker, I used it in a computer lab one day to play a nearly undetectable high freq wave using logo. The PC Speaker was a pretty flexible little speaker

    • Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee
      6 days ago

      I used the Amiga disk drive to play music. It sounds like you would imagine. And will destroy the drive if you play too much.

      • TheRagingGeek@lemmy.world
        6 days ago

        Nice I couldn’t imagine playing music on my c64’s 1541 drive the thing made scary knocking noises when it worked properly!

        • uid0gid0@lemmy.world
          5 days ago

          The c64 could do all sorts of music over the TV speakers, even voices. Who can forget Impossible Mission “Another visitor, stay a while, stay forever!”

    • Schadrach@lemmy.sdf.org
      6 days ago

      Flexible enough that Access Software built a library called RealSound that could do 6-bit PCM audio over it. Which isn’t great but is dramatically better than you’d expect. A bit over a dozen or so games used it.

      I had one called Mean Streets that used it for things like voice. The game came with instructions for how to build a cable to connect your internal speaker to an RCA cable to run to a stereo or similar.

      • TheRagingGeek@lemmy.world
        6 days ago

        Oh man that unlocked a memory of some attempts I heard of voices through PC Speaker that weren’t bad but definitely weren’t great lol

  • Thelsim@sh.itjust.works
    7 days ago

    “The planet Arrakis, known as Dune”

    My very first experience with a sound card was watching the Dune 2 intro on my dad’s friend’s computer. I was so amazed, I just sat in awe as that intro movie played.
    On the drive home I tried to remember if what I heard was real, and I just couldn’t imagine it. When I tried to recall what I saw and heard, I could only imagine hearing that tinny internal speaker making bleeps and bloops instead of the actual sounds. It just seemed so unreal at the time that I could not recall what I had heard only a few hours earlier :)

    On a side note, I don’t think any studio in the nineties made as memorable tunes and sounds as Westwood did. There was always something enchanting about them. Dune 2, the Kyrandia games, they all had excellent music that really played into the strengths of what was available back then.
    Of course I’m talking with pink tinted nostalgia goggles, but still… good memories :)

      • Malfeasant@lemmy.world
        6 days ago

        I don’t think that’s accurate… Of course it’s possible I’m misremembering something from 35+ years ago, but there’s no performance benefit for 14 bits over 16- either way, it’s a 2-byte fetch, you don’t save anything by leaving off two bits. So I’d almost believe it was 8-bit rather than 16, but the difference in sound quality is huge, and the Amigas had a 16-bit data bus so 16-bit fetches took no more effort than 8-bit. The sample rate I’d be more likely to believe I had wrong, but again, there are technical reasons for the 44.1 kHz rate that have to do with recording digital audio to videotape, so I could see it being half that, but not some random number. But again, huge sound quality difference between 44.1 and 22.05.

        All that said, I’m not too familiar with the 1000, I had the 500 which was basically the same machine as the 2000 but in a more compact case. My uncle had a 1000, but he used it professionally so he wouldn’t let me near it :D

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
    6 days ago

    The motherboard had nothing but the case usually had a speaker just to make a “beep” sound. I had to play Wolfenstein with that shit because my dad didn’t have a sound blaster until he also got a CD-ROM drive to play Doom since he could only find a copy on CD and not floppy disk.

    And even now, a SoundBlaster32 is better than the in-built audio stuff motherboards do have. Though it’s not worth getting one just for games.

    • brygphilomena@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      And you had to have the audio cable to connect the cdrom drive if you wanted to listen to an audio CD. It was an interesting time.

    • Valmond@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      If you want good sound, buy an external usb DAC. It will be away from all electro magnetic interference and will be way better than any consumer stuff.

      • Aux@lemmy.world
        6 days ago

        Modern built-in DACs are insulated well enough for good sound. You only want to spend money on an external one if you want excellent sound.

          • Aux@lemmy.world
            5 days ago

            Which should be shielded for any decent sound equipment. Also they come from the front panel, away from major interference sources.

            • Valmond@lemmy.world
              5 days ago

              Lol how do you think they get to that front panel?

              I mean sure go ahead and shield this and that (and still get em interference in the DAC card because it’s hooked up to the friggin PCI express bus on the motherboard) instead of using a simple USB cable.

  • TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
    6 days ago

    What? They did have onboard sound. The problem is that if you used the motherboard speaker to make anything more decent than a beep, you basically needed to build an entire sound engine from scratch and very few games did so. It also wasn’t worthwhile because a shitty two pin speaker could not compare to the speakers of a professional sound system which you needed the soundcard to hook up into, and CPU bandwidth was such a limitation back then than even when games could play WAV they would use MIDI to offload the musical instrument synthesizing for the soundtracks to the sound card. Designing a game that used the onboard sound speaker was basically the realm of assembly hacking geniuses.

    • CrayonRosary@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      It also wasn’t worthwhile because a shitty two pin speaker

      All speakers are two pins. 🤔 They were crappy because they were most often little piezoelectric speakers, or otherwise very small where they couldn’t play low frequency sounds well.

  • umbraroze@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    I miss my SoundBlaster Live! card. Excellent sound quality. Last used with the last computer I built, in the late-mid-2000s. That was the second computer I had that had on-board audio, and I just didn’t bother with on-board audio because I just straight up assumed it was going to be shit. Unfortunately it stopped working at some point, along with the GPU (I suspect a static electricity fuck-up on my part, or something) which didn’t matter all that much because I was mostly using the system as a server at that point.

    (I’m going to build a new NAS server from ground up later this year, and I’m contemplating getting an external DAC for it for use with musicpd. Wonder if there’s still SoundBlaster branded DACs, or are they gone? …Oh they’re still around!? Good.)

    • Aux@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      I find it really interesting that modern 3D pipelines are so efficient that drawing 2D using 3D part of GPU is faster and better than using 2D part of GPU still present in modern GPUs for backwards compatibility. Maybe 2D is now done in software in drivers though, I’m not sure, haven’t checked.

  • Noble Shift@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    To this day I use a Creative Labs emu 0404 sound card weekly and just purchased a replacement when the present one started having issues every now and then. One of the great underrated pieces of hardware IMO.

    Hi/Lo Z in, digital IO, optical IO, analog IO, USB, 24/192, preamps and one hell of a solid clock and it can be used as a stand alone mixer without a PC.

  • Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca
    5 days ago

    I still like Xonar cards, like the Xonar DG (though it isn’t compatible with my new PC). I always liked their interface more than the competitors, and it puts out excellent volume on my Logitech headset that is otherwise way too quiet for me. Never been a big fan of the simulated 3D environments on any of these cards, though. The only game it ever sounded decent in was No Man’s Sky, but even that still had a distant tinny sound to it.

    I think most people just use external amplifiers these days, but I’m still using a third-party sound card.