Isn’t this 2025? Why the fuck are you calling ADHD, Autism and anxiety mental illnesses?
Any chance you could tell us what they are in a way that is educational and not shaming?
Anxiety is an emotion or experience that anyone can feel, it is not the same as anxiety disorder.
ADHD and Autism are neural divergences which means that these are people that are literally born with a different brain behavior then most. It means that they are how they are.
I’m completely out of the loop as to how they’re referred, so I’m just taking a guess at why the meme calls them mental illnesses:
I think it’s likely because they’re things that require diagnosis and can require treatment
Those literally arent want any of those are
I have all of those except schizophrenia so I have to agree.
ADHD makes it EXCEPTIONALLY HARD for me to switch tasks, actually x_x the only time I can get ANYTHING done is when I can hyperfocus into ONE thing
I’ll take a double #1 with a side of #2, and a couple shakes of #5 please.
That’s not what OCD is. It’s being burdened with intrusive thoughts that make you think you’re a horrible person and make you question your sanity.
I watched the SoftWhiteUnderbelly interview of a guy with OCD who works as a clown, and used to serve in the Navy. His form of OCD wasn’t self-loathing intrusive thoughts but intrusive thoughts that stemmed from the anxiety or fear of something bad happening. Like, the fear that he was going to be dishonorably discharged or drown if there’s a storm, was perceived as a sort of bad mojo that he had to combat with drowning it out with positive thoughts, and by repeatedly carrying out certain mundane actions as ritualis to eliminate the bad mojo that his OCD thoughts manifested. And failure to do so meant that those bad things mentioned by his negative thoughts were actually going to happen. So, he would obsessively repeat certain words or phrases to himself, or repeat in a specific action until the thought went away.
In the interview he repeatedly mentions feeling self-conscious about how he must have looked crazy to other people in the Navy or in public, talking to himself repeatedly or being stuck in one of his rituals battling the intrusive thought that was overwhelming him, but the alternative was letting it actually drive him crazy.
And a part of his psyche believed if he didn’t engage in those coping rituals, than the things his intrusive thoughts said we’re going to happen, might actually happen. And so those two things were his only coping strategy for dealing with being overwhelmed by all the crippling anxiety and fear, from which his OCD was manifesting.
Do you have one for being terminally lazy and the world’s wost procrastinator?
Excellent at working under pressure
That’s just ADHD that’s undiagnosed.
Instead of:
I am a sociopath
I am excellent CEO materialLike a Mario looking for his Luigi…
“Assertive go-getter”
Irritable bowel syndrome:
“I’ll give two shits when most others would not.”
😒 I am chronically late
😎 I work efficiently and well
I have ADHD and I will hyper fixate on something for 12 hours straight, forgetting to eat or take a bathroom break. I will learn all about it and do it perfectly, but then I will be useless for a day or two, as I lose my car keys in the refrigerator and then remember I went to the grocery store and make a sandwich instead of looking for them.
This sounds a lot like me. Whether I have ADHD is something I’ve been wondering for some time now, but the descriptions of ADHD are always so conflicting to me, because every symptom can be taken as a evidence or counterevidence by changing perspective, partly because of this duality you described.
Just keep in mind each person is impacted differently. Symptoms aren’t one size fits all, and even NTs get some relatable symptoms occasionally.
I felt this way too before I saw a doctor. I would see posts online about it and relate to them, but I knew social media posts can be inaccurate. I knew that that type of thing targets very generic symptoms to attract more interactions.
I thought everyone was tired and stressed like I can be. I spent a lot of time thinking I was lazy or not good enough because I couldn’t get stuff done that seemed easy for other people.
It wasn’t until my partner suggested I talk to my doctor about it because he saw signs.
Honestly, the best thing you can do is talk to a doctor if you feel like symptoms are disrupting your ability to function. If you’re doing fine, you might not need it! But the best thing I ever did was talk to my doctor about this, anxiety, and a potential sleep related disorder (I’m still working on the latter).
Yeah the OP is the opposite of my experience with ADHD. I’m fucking terrible at moving from one task to another, that’s literally the hardest part about it. I just studied Japanese for 12 hours straight yesterday instead of working or writing any code, just because I got the sudden urge. I haven’t actively studied Japanese since 2020 so I’m just reviewing shit I already learned years ago. I’ll do this for a couple days until I either burn myself out or find a new thing to fixate on.
If I’m in burnout, I’ll start rapidly changing between tasks, playing 10 minutes of every game I own chasing any shred of dopamine I can find, or scrolling through short form video content for hours until I find something that catches my attention and then I’ll be fixated on that for anywhere between 1 full day, to about a week.
Like I have coping techniques and medication, but they only go so far and sometimes I just can’t seem to reign it in. Sometimes I can fixate on work or study tasks, (e.g. Japanese) but usually it takes a Herculean amount of effort, determination and discipline to actually control my focus to what I need it on. When I manage to direct my focus to the important stuff it feels like a superpower to fixate on it, but those moments are few and far between.
Instead of:
I am a psychopath that wants to see queer people and PoC suffer for fun
I am an entrepreneur with right-wing views who sees a great opportunity in working with the Republican party
Can we have one fucking post without american politics getting shoehorned in?
I get it’s important to you but perhaps keep it to topics or communities at least somewhat related. You know, for the two people in the world not living in the us.
If the word ‘Republican’ were omitted, that comment could be applicable in most countries on the planet.
It’s kind of nitpicking anyway, don’t you think? Almost as nitpicky as pointing out when the country of the United States is referred to by the name of the continent it shares with other nations.
Probably, though I really don’t want politics being shoved into a literal shitposting community without any prompt in the op either way. I have my own political issues to worry about over here in Germany and have only so much mental capacity for gloomy copeposting now that trump was re elected.
There is also a wide range of communities available for political venting elsewhere, why does it have to be a non political post in a shitposting community? Where am I supposed to go if not here to avoid that stuff?
That’s understandable. I imagine a large section of the user base doesn’t navigate to a specific community to look through posts, and instead just skip through the main feed. I didn’t realise the community until you pointed it out.
While I agree with your sentiment that no one wants to be so bombarded with foreign politics, at the very least the joke that user made was in keeping with the theme of the meme.
Regarding your final question, depending on your method of consuming this content, you may be able to entirely block comments by setting a blacklist of words, perhaps including ‘Republican’ in this case. The same I know is true on most applications for post titles, but I’m just assuming here the same is applicable to comments.
Either way, best wishes with the situation in the fatherland, I do hope to visit some day.
Hear! Hear!
(from NZ)
Americans like to pretend the only country that matters is them
Why do people say this? I find European politics fascinating. I, as an American am very interested in what goes on globally.
I personally don’t care about the politics of other countries outside if the very basics.
Or they can just say:
“I am a fucking cunt”
Yeah, using a mental illness as a synonym fora bad person is not ableist at all.
“Won’t someone think of the people that are destroying our society?”
Not all mental illnesses are high-functioning autism-style quirkiness, things that need help, many of which makes people more of victims of violence than the perpetrators of them. Sure, you can say that e.g. the Cybertruck bomber was abused by the MAGA cult, but that won’t change the facts. All this does is downplay the abuse these people can do if they’re at the wrong place.
We can call out the abuses of Donald Trump and Elon Musk, without taking away their mental health card. They were very close to two pedophile rings, and pedophilia is among the few paraphilias that psychology tries its best to correct due to the harm these people can cause to real children. They’re also narcissists, and likely also psychopaths.
Tgis is what gets called out, and not equating disabilities with illness?
You treat an illness. It’s something you try to eliminate. A disability isn’t something that has a cure, and often needs accomodations rather than treatment.
I feel like this really needs to be said. OCD != being meticulous to detail. It isn’t “omg this spreadsheet is in the wrong order,” it is more like “I can’t fail to flick the light swith 3.5 times when I enter a room. I know that the switch gets left midway, but that is how I will obsessively leave it. If you change it, I will put it back to everyone’s detremint.”
I have ADHD -> I’m excellent at moving from one task to another.
I dunno about those of you who have more substantial ADHD, but I find moving intentionally or external-led from one task to another - i.e. other than my brain’s natural flow - is one of the hardest things for me. Switching from, even, washing dishes to mopping up water splashed, can be a great mental strain.
I have anxiety -> I anticipate accidents and hiccups before they happen
Those do go together for me.
Autism isn’t an illness
Autists are the superior human form. We’re the next stage of human evolution.
One aspect of autism is lacking “mirror nodes” in our frontal cortex that allow neuro-typicals to possess self-awareness while speaking or carrying out a physical action, and thereby being aware of the emotional impact their behavior has on the people around them.
So, by your definition, I am superior to neuro-typicals by virtue of lacking equipment and firmware that neuro-typicals have, which assists them with interfacing with other members of their own species.
ohh give Facebook a week or two.
In a weird way, this is a good technique called reframing.
It’s very common to beat ourselves up.