See the post on BlueSky:
According to many comments, the US government DOES use SQL, and Musk is not understanding much what’s going on.
He did the exact same thing after taking over Twitter, talking about “poorly batched RPCs” in the timeline which makes zero sense because that’s obviously not how HTTP works.
The sad thing is Elon regularly shows how much of a very judgmental, “I’m so smart” idiot* he is, but somehow I keep meeting people who think he’s a genius. I guess the assumption that money=smart still holds true in the US, despite being disproven time and time again.
*Do we not have a single word for this concept? I come across this kind of person so frequently there really should be one.
He definitely doesn’t know what deduplicated means…
A pretentious asshole billionaire is going to be preaching us about massive fraud. Because he totally earned all his wealth through back breaking honest hard work. Give me a fucking break.
Tax dollars are definitely being stolen… by this unelected buffoon
The more this dipshit talks about programming the more I’m convinced that he’s got absolutely no clue how any of it works. Like, he’s famous for creating PayPal, I’m really wondering if he paid someone to code that shit and just took credit (and all the money from its sale).
This retard thinks the government doesn’t use SQL…
Someone needs to explain to Musk how to debug with the JSON so that the ipv6 GUI does not overflow into the git API front-end
careful, “git api” almost makes sense
Easy. Just defragment the kernel flux, water root but do not saturate the soil, and then set the virtual tensors to sigWumbo++. If you saturated root then set the tensors to asyncoMumbo-- to account for the extra conductivity. After that refragment the kernel flux because it was happy that way.
Wumbo++ is by far my favorite development tool
Ah, a fellow wombologist!
It’s web-scale!
Does Wumbo# count? I’d like to be part of something
Only Wumbo number 5.
I’ll usually throw a little Amanda code in there to stay by my side.
He sure is loose with that r-word…
It triggers the libs
I’d bet that the government is probably the largest user of SQL. Unless there are really old systems that predate SQL. I’d imagine they have shitloads of COBOL for example.
He got community-noted for being wrong. Per usual, it’s only a matter of time before he deletes his post.
More likely, he’ll delete the community note
More likely, he’ll delete the database.
Shit, I’d love for him to delete the twitter databases
That’s not the database they mean I fear :(
Where did this come from? Is this a precursor to pushing some blockchain shit or something?
That man will be doing to same thing to important shit right now.
The manager began to explain in detail some of the obstacles to relocating the servers to Portland. “It has different rack densities, different power densities,” she said. “So the rooms need to be upgraded.” She started to give a lot more details, but after a minute, Musk interrupted.
“This is making my brain hurt,” he said
the man hailed as a tech genius, everyone!
When Elon bought Twitter, I realised right away I’d need to close my account.
What made me hurry up exporting my data and closing the account were the reports of Elon Musk personally fucking with the systems, and the subsequent glitches and outages. Had to get it done while the site was still moderately functional.
And they just let this guy get his hands on actually important national computer infrastructure? Fucking hell.
Problem is you can’t shut down your account with the government because that’s your everything. That’s your identity, that’s your retirement, that’s your unemployment. And he’s been given carte blanche to fuck with it in any way he feels like by the giant orange douchebag who thinks Elmo’s a fucking genius. And the Republican Congress is either unwilling or too scared shitless of his billion$ to get in his way.
There’s really just one way to close your government account and I really wish Elon would do it.
Yup, the bottom line is, there was this dude who, upon buying a website, fucked it up.
Upon attaining unprecedented government position, he got access to government systems, and fucked them up.
Did anyone vote for this? No, no one voted for this. Were there supposed to be checks and balances to stop this from happening? Well, theoretically, maybe, but, urgh, the Founding Fathers didn’t expect anyone to unleash the Ultimate Idiot on crucial data infrastructure.
This sounds just like a former manager that thought nosql was the end all and that SQL had no place.
If course they developed their app that required frequent data migrations because they were in fact very dependent on all the records matching the latest schema.
If SSN based fraud is the program then let’s establish an actual federal identification number. Even the Social Services bureau tried to get everyone to not use it as the end all source of truth. They only created it for social security benefits, literally only that purpose.
They should just publish every SSN at once with names. That’ll make them useless as “secret” numbers and useful as identifiers.
In college, early 90s, our student IDs had our photo and SSN on it
I’ve operated ever since under rhe assumption anyone and everyone has access to it.
Then with all the data breaches over the last 10/15 years? Freeze credit reports with the 3 reporting agencies for free. Check for extra accounts with the free annual credit report pulls.
For all practical purposes, our SSNs are easily obtained by someone who wants it.
I’m not sure what the solution is, but a unique identifier has to be housed somewhere where in can be accessed in a format humans can read, which means it can be accessed and dumped so it’s no longer private or secret.
I’m not a fan of biometrics, and I tolerate 2FA. I really think it’s more important we change how we think about and use personal, unique, identifiers (like SSNs)
Around 2006, a woman was able to start an account with the local power company with my SSN and name. She said she was my girlfriend and was setting it up for me. I know this because the person setting up the account made a note of it at the time. She ran it up over $300 and then let them close it. I didn’t find out about it until a few years later when I had to set up electric in my name (lived with roommates from 2002 until like 2016). They told me they wouldn’t start a new account until I paid what I owed.
I don’t think this is possible anymore, but even at the time it’s unbelievable that it was allowed.
Any lawyer, law firm employee, private investigator, insurance adjuster, or credit industry can get it easily. I operate under the same presumption.
hasnt that already happened with a data breach? i remember reading something about it
It’s hard to figure out what he’s talking about , when he says the “whole social security database”. Like in which tables are they duplicated? Does it mean the entire row is duplicated or just the SSN, it might make sense to be duplicated depending on the schema. Is it an append only db, so there might be updated columns on the same ssn and you need to filter by the latest update timestamp? Who knows.
But also, saying that there’s a “social security database” and then following that up by the govt “doesn’t use SQL” so… the db is actually just a spreadsheet? A .txt file? The SSNs are just written down in someone’s notebook? Lol
Musk just uses words to sound smart which is such a stupid thing to do on the internet when so many people can easily call your bullshit.
From rod Hilton on mastodon "He talked about electric cars. I don’t know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.
Then he talked about rockets. I don’t know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.
Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software & Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard anyone say, so when people say he’s a genius I figure I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets."
SSNs are reused. Someone dies and their number gets reassigned. The database could easily be keeping track of all previous assignments for any given SSN.
Remember, SSNs are designed for social security and nothing else. They got picked up as a unique ID by private interests as a hack. They were never supposed to be as widespread in use as they are. The federal government using it this way is the specific, designed use case.
SSNs are reused. Someone dies and their number gets reassigned.
Not even that. If you were born before 2014 or so and you’re from somewhere relatively populous theres a pretty good chance there’s more than one living human with your SSN right now. SSN were never meant to be unique, the pairing of SSN and name was meant to be unique but no one really checked for that for most of the history of the program so it really wasn’t either. The combination of SSN, name and age/birthdate should actually be unique though because of how they were assigned even back in the day.
Where do you guys get this rubbish? You’re literally just spreading lies.
Yep, and any attempt to replace them with a purpose designed government ID has gotten conspiracy nuts to shut it down
SSNs are reused. Someone dies and their number gets reassigned.
Nope, they don’t. No SSN has ever been reused and will not for generations.
It’s LotusNotes all the way down
Or mongoDB 🙄
Probably something bespoke/legacy.
Have you met out lord and saviour COBOL?
He seems to be one of those people that think nosql should be used everywhere.