Thank you for your feedback! Your opinion is important to us. We will carefully read and process all of your inputs to improve our services.
if they’re recycling it, then it wasn’t for nothing
Straight to their ai training, like everyone else.
Recycling is what Disney does best :>
Electrons are valuable and disk space is expensive!
there’s a delete button you can click right in your inbox, no need to waste time on that corporate hell-hole. trust me, they won’t read it!
sincerely- a guy who moved across the country to work for disney once and was let go a few weeks later because of the pandemic and their insanely shortsighted management
I know it’s unlikely to have done anything much, but if no one speaks they definitely won’t be heard. At least there’s a small chance for someone to understand the company is shitty. A small grain of doubt can grow into dissent with time. Worth the gamble of a little time to me
A person is unlikely to read it specifically but they will be looking for trends. I hope you used lots of good keywords.
Jokes on you they can legally kill your wife now
i also choose this man’s wife
Dear Disney+
If you ever produce anything worth watching, be assured that I will be pirating it.
Andor is excellent. Well worth pirating, and the second season starts in April.
I liked the first season of Mandalorian, but right after that it slid in to that “if it moves and makes a noise, you should be entertained”-shitbucket.
I’m expecting that to happen with Andor.
Even before I was full on anti-capitalist I was anti-disney. Ive always hated just how… artificial that company has felt. They can make good movies dont get me wrong, but their culture, the people who are fans, scare me.
So in conclusion I will never have this opportunity. I did write a nice email to Mr.Bezos after canceling prime though.
I hated them as soon as I figured out that they were taking material from the public domain, and trying to deny other people the right to use the same public domain material. I think I was in middle school when I ran into their copyright bullshit with my Little Mermaid fanfic after I read the Andersen version.
I hope you made them take you to court. Fuck the mouse. They are directly responsible for our ridiculous copyright laws.
Disney is on my good side as enemy-of-my-enemy, DeSantis. But that’s it.
- type “go fash, lose cash”
- refuse to elaborate any further
Gigachad behavior.
Give em hell. Good for you for cancelling. Proud of ya.
And the email:
I never got such a survey. Guess they figured that bunch of people would cancel the subscription in the month before an announced price hike.
Whenever I’m asked to fill out a survey, I always just copy and paste the entire text of Dante’s Inferno from Project Gutenberg.
I’m OOTL, what did Disney do now?
Nothing in particular, just Disney being Disney. Had the subscription for family, was finally able to cut the cord recently
murdered OP
Disney+ is great. What could you possibly hate enough to screech for a half hour?
You wrote an SQL statement?
Do people actually write SQL in all caps? Ever since I was a boy I’ve always written SQL (and HTML) in lower case.
I do it because it helps me visually separate SQL keywords from table and column names.
Helps especially when your SQL is embedded in another file so there is no syntax highlighting.
That’s a good reason. I guess when I’m directly writing SQL the queries are point in time and not part of some enduring codebase.
SQL is an Old Language of Ancient Power. You have to write the keywords in all caps.
(Fortran is basically the same, but it’s rarer. Lisp is too, but you don’t need to capitalise everything, as the Ancient Power is contained in the parentheses.)
This just made my day 😂
They’re both acronyms, so yes? You always write acronyms in upper case.
Structured Query Language (SQL)
HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Some exceptions to the rule exist, like “Database” is usually abbreviated as Db in acronyms. For instance, IMDb (Internet Movie Database).
Although considering database is a singular word, it makes sense to lower-case the middle letter of the word, as it wouldn’t be capitalized in the spelled-out word anyway.
EDIT: On a related note (and one that will really show my age), I always capitalize the i in “Internet.”
When I was a kid, and before the Internet was publicly accessible, we referred to a collection of internetworked computers as an “internet.”
Then the “World Wide Web” (WWW) became a big deal in the mid-'90s, which was the first publicly accessible internet of computers and servers. It was super primitive and took like 10 minutes just to load a small image on a mostly-text webpage. We referred to this new global internet as “The Internet.” This was the biggest and most ambitious attempt at building an interconnected series of computers, so we called it The Internet (capital “i”) to differentiate it from a regular internet.
Fast forward several decades… for so long, the Internet has been such a commonly used term to refer to the World Wide Web. It’s completely taken over the word; we don’t really refer to small computer networks as internets anymore. So there’s no point in differentiating between the two.
But I remember, and I still keep up the old habit of capitalizing when I’m referring to THE Internet, versus a smaller network of computers.
Not sure if joking but I meant the language not the acronym.
SQL is the language. Its name is also an acronym, for “Structured Query Language.”
More specifically I meant when I am writing in the language.
I don’t write “SELECT * FROM users;”, I write “select * from users;”
It is more like
select from users
Is your caps lock broken? What the heck is that second select?
Bold of you to assume that your reply to their pitiful attempt at customer retention will be read.
Don’t worry, I assume nothing. Call me naive, but I’d rather be likely shouting into the void than staying quiet and possibly missing an opportunity to be heard
But it will be stored in a database forever.
What would the best method for auditing their sanitation practices be?
they probably just count keywords from all the responses