Honestly, please do. Don’t try to deduce it from UA or worse yet, aspect ratio. The results are predictable this way. Or maybe have 3 subdomains, m.example.org for mobile, d.example.org for desktop, example.org for auto.
Battle saddles - basically a saddle with mouth trigger to which you mount whatever weapon you need and auto reload on kick. Or telekinesis, if unicorn.
Even the wiki is semi-cursed
Honestly, Wikipedia, who the fuck still uses a subdomain for mobile?
Honestly, please do. Don’t try to deduce it from UA or worse yet, aspect ratio. The results are predictable this way. Or maybe have 3 subdomains, m.example.org for mobile, d.example.org for desktop, example.org for auto.
I see you’ve never done serious web development.
Ok time to close IE6 and get you to bed grandpa
Stop stealing my heart pills.
how does a pony fire an AK-47?
It pulls the trigger. Duh.
You might be overthinking it.
Battle saddles - basically a saddle with mouth trigger to which you mount whatever weapon you need and auto reload on kick. Or telekinesis, if unicorn.
Okay, that’s enough Internet for me today.
I haven’t read it, since it’s MLP, and also since it’s apparently 2000 pages, so I can’t tell you. But I do want to know
Huh. Dunno if any of that is true, shan’t verify
Ok, now do Fallout: the Care Bears.
AK, in Fallout world? Pffft
The “chinese assault rifle” from Fallout 3 looks pretty much like an AK to me.
It pretty much is tbh
They have particularly nimble pelvic muscles.
i did NOT expect this to actually exist
I had expected it but was still disappointed.
My brother in Christ, thank you for this. Hilarious!
Holy equestrian atrocity. I thought only AI…
Surprisingly, I know about this, thanks to Station 13 shenanigans.