Steve Jobs was evil af
Seriously though. Fuck that guy.
Why, exactly? Genuinely asking. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m no Apple fan, and he was absolutely an insufferable douchebag to nearly everyone he knew; and was a verifiable self-righteous fuckwit who Darwin’d himself out of existence by choosing woo-woo bullshit over medicine for a very treatable cancer.
Evil, though, I think might be a stretch – Elon, Thiel, Vance, Trump, Murdoch, the Sackler family, the Koch brothers, etc. all excellent contenders for being truly evil – but afaik Jobs was just a dickhead with an ego the size of a blimp, and I think we ought not dilute that term with just your run-of-the-mill dickheads. Unless you know something I don’t about him.
This told me nothing I didn’t already know. Like I said, he was a dickhead, to almost every single person in his personal and professional life. But evil requires a level of maliciousness that transcends the people you are in physical contact with, imo – you have to be actively striving to make life worse for at least a few hundred people or more.
A dickhead and a shitty father, sure, I’m not defending his actions in the slightest. But “evil” would require him to have done something much worse than just treat his kid and the people in his immediate orbit like shit. Just my opinion.
evil requires a level of maliciousness that transcends the people you are in physical contact with, imo
That’s a very strange definition. He also led moving manufacturing to China. You may have heard of the suicide nets they had to put up in their facilities.
ah, see, now that’s more like it.
that’ll do it for you, eh?
as someone else pointed out, your definition of evil is quite interesting in that a qualification is that it goes past people they are in physical proximity to.
not sure where you got that, seems a little comic-book-y… how about a nurse in a hospital that slowly poisons a child, watching doctors be baffled and see the parents fall apart with unspeakable grief because she likes the drama and was bored. not evil?
There are plenty of people who are jackasses to those around them, and ruthless in business.
Describing someone or something as evil really calls for something a bit more dramatic.
Yeah and she speaks French.
I tend to agree. Being a narcissistic asshole isn’t the same as being evil. In the first case, it means doing bad things because you are self centered and have no regard for other people. The bad things aren’t done to hurt others, just to in a self serving way. Being evil requires an intent to do harm.
I’ve never understood why it’s just Apple that seems to get the blame for using Foxconn, they’re estimated to make 40% of all consumer electronics. Nintendo uses them for all their consoles (since the GameCube), Sony use them for their hardware (TVs, the PlayStation, etc.), MS for the Xbox, Amazon for the Kindles, Google for the Pixels, etc.
I don’t want this to sound like whataboutism, but I’ve just literally never understood why people seemingly overlook all the other companies using them to place the blame solely on Apple.
He was the ringleader of an illegal anti-poaching agreement between tech companies that kept worker salaries down.
He’s the root cause of much of what is broken with modern tech hiring. Bill gates is responsible for the other half (trick questions, etc)
“Genuinely asking”
It shouldn’t surprise you. Being evil is practically a requirement for that level of success as a capitalist.
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Their “repair” program is nothing but a scam to nudge you into buying a new Apple product to replace the broken one with overinflated repair prices and bullshit excuses like that.
Also it works exactly as Steve Jobs intended.
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I can’t tell if your comment is satire or real. I hope it’s satire.
there’s no fucking way, right? the 8 bucks an hour made me incredulous, as did the “best men” wording… honestly, lately though, I’ve interacted with utter fucking morons here on Lemmy, which almost never happened in the first year or so. did some kind of very user friendly app come along with some awareness outreach?
You really can’t tell?
Dude talked about Steve Jobs “run[Ning their] crypto empire”. I think the satire speaks for itself…
You need to use the word “motivated” more
“Some of the parts were missing”
You motherfuckers put the damn thing together in the first place!
At least where I live, if the bootleg repair place isn’t slightly moldy, it’s a scam. Rundown, old white tiles on the wall, chipped mirror somewhere, a frail curtain to separate the back area from the front counter, and, in summer, a mandatory swiveling standing fan. That’s where your phone will get a second lease on its live!
Never did a lot of specifically phone repair, but all the computer and misc electronics repair I’ve worked at follow a similar pattern to yours. To add to it - there should be cobbled together racks, behind the flimsy curtain, filled with devices of many vintages in many states of (dis)repair.
The cleaner the place and the steeper the price, a lotta times the better the proprietor is at business than at electronics, lol
Parts missing? I don’t believe this at all. A phone is basically a single board, screen, battery, lenses, audio bits. Everything is so jammed in that there’s no room to think parts are missing. No tech would make this mistake and Apple doesn’t benefit from generating a hostile customer experience. This is made up.
Sorry details may be fake, but I do believe an apple employee would pull some shot because policy dictates they sell new equipment over fixing old equipment.
Every apple fanboy I talk to gushes about how amazing the genius bar is, helping them when they get their iPhone stuck in their ass.
But every casual user who has different problems beyond getting an iPhone stuck in their ass seems to get the same response: “Buy the next version”.
I dunno though I’m forced to use the apple products from work.
I was a tech in a store and covered a fee on a replacement device because it was the second time the guy had to come to us. I gave a young woman (student) a free laptop because she’d had a super long repair history during my last week in that role. Apple conditions their retail employees to treat customers well and it’s something I missed getting to do for people forever after.
When I moved to the mothership, the only mantra was always about doing right by our customers. When I was interviewing for that gig, I asked one of the interviewers what he considered challenging about the job and he said that (coming from Microsoft to Apple) the company had an “insane” focus on its customers. It really is a top-down attitude. The company may be high sniffing their own farts, but they believe they’re uniquely focused on doing the right thing.
Gotta tell you, i have had very very different experiences
Are you suggesting someone would lie? On the internet?
Are you suggesting someone would lie? At the Genius Bar?
No, because no one lies on the internet ever. Which is why you should invest in this MLM I’m about to tell you about.
I used to work for Apple. I don’t believe the missing parts story because as you said, how would that even happen. But, if any parts have been replaced, especially the home buttons / finger print reader, they will refuse to fix, and I never understand why. So that may be what happened.
Also Jobs was 100% behind this stuff. It’s so annoying when people treat him like he was some tech god. He was a twat.
He turned psychotic control over hardware into a science. He’s done more to harm open source than a weirdly misogynistic neck beard could ever do.
The refusal is likely tied to liability, in that they see any aftermarket parts or OoW repairs as a potential failure point and fear the customer may blame them for it. It wouldn’t even matter if the quality of work or parts is as good or better. There’s also another factor of trying to oversimplify any repairs/service to allow them to eventually hire unqualified/uneducated ‘techs’ for things who don’t have a clue what’s going on.
It’s only relatively recently that Apple have allowed non-apple staff to repair iPhones so by definition everyone is unskilled because there’s no way to be skilled unless you work for Apple.
This is made up.
It’s a green text lol.
Of course the tech didn’t believe that. However, Apple does benefit from tech illiterate customers buying a new iPhone instead.
The only way i would believe it is if they meant a screw or two or one of the flat metal plates that is used to secure other components. Ive repaired i pho es and they are a pain tk deal with and sometimes you forget exactly which screw goes where when they are mostly so small they all look the same. I misplaced a small plastic component thst acts as a sound amplifying cone to direct your voice soundwaves to the microphone use for phone calls and it made it so people couldnt hear me unless i used the speaker phone. But thats no good reason not to repair. They should have drawers filled with those screws and other internal irrelevant components
A lot of it is single board, but there are smaller PCB layered in there connected by ribbon cables or press-in connections. I replaced the battery in my iphone and it’s a tedious but doable DIY project. Anyway, the way it’s assembled doesn’t lend itself to missing parts. Parts of or the whole phone won’t work. No way would phone arrive “missing” parts - unless there was external damage to any cameras or switches.
The missing part was a brand new iPhone or two.
what did Steve Jobs even do except for management and marketing, and why does he then get the praise for the hardware/software???
ripped off Steve Wozniak
Honestly, genius-level move. Always a good decision.
he did much more than that….
might be an interesting read:
By March 1, 1976, Wozniak completed the basic design of his computer.[22][23] Wozniak originally offered the design to HP while working there, but it was rejected by the company on five occasions.[24] When he demonstrated his computer at the Homebrew Computer Club, his friend and fellow club regular Steve Jobs was immediately interested in its commercial potential.[25] Wozniak intended to share schematics of the machine for free, but Jobs advised him to start a business together and sell bare printed circuit boards for the computer.[26][27][28] Wozniak, at first skeptical, was later convinced by Jobs that even if they were not successful they could at least say to their grandchildren that they had had their own company. To raise the money they needed to build the first batch of the circuit boards, Wozniak sold his HP-65 scientific calculator while Jobs sold his Volkswagen van.[26][27]
to me he just seems like a businessman, not a developer
He was a moron, he died from eating too much fruit against the advice of his doctors.
That’s all you need to know.
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Yeah, but a lot of that praise is because Jobs did what Woz couldn’t… On the other hand, Woz did what no one else could.
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hate to break it to you but:
lsd is a wonderful drug and a big reason why they were so innovative… and a big reason why we have the internet at all….
you may have been… misled into thinking an LSD party is like a crack party or something, but people who take lsd are actually interested in expanding their mind and it’s nothing at all like what the man says it’s like.
for example, here’s one paper on it:
i don’t think he was a very good person… pretty terrible with how he treated his daughter and employees… but i do think he was very smart, creative, and legitimately concerned with expanding human potential through computers… and successful in that.the structure of dna was discovered on lsd… much of the internet was created on lsd… one of ibm’s best programmers wrote a good paper on how lsd helped him hold an entire compiler in his head at once… much of silicon valley is currently microdosing lsd (and that’s in San Francisco, btw… capital of lsd).
in short, him throwing lsd parties is one of the best things he did….
(also, bill gates took lsd because of Jobs in order to be more creative, and then became one of the biggest philanthropists ever)
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Crick, who died ten days ago, aged 88, later told a fellow scientist that he often used small doses of LSD then an experimental drug used in psychotherapy to boost his powers of thought. He said it was LSD, not the Eagle’s warm beer, that helped him to unravel the structure of DNA, the discovery that won him the Nobel Prize.
please refrain from being a condescending jerk just because you’re a biologist….
and you certainly implied that throwing lsd parties wasn’t a good thing… but it is.
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damn, you’re such a hostile tool… take the L, buddy…
Rosalind Franklin may have been integral, but crick was still taking lsd when he inferred the proper shape, and i’d bet $20 Rosalind was taking it too….
you’re definitely not a biologist though, fuckin liar… a real scientist would appreciate the nuance and not just try to argue bullshit side points to be right on a forum.
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It was PCR (the DNA amplification technique) that was invented by a guy who took a lot of LSD and who credited LSD for the creative spark
well no it was also PCR….
but still yes the structure:Neat. More LSD for research scientists!
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Dune. Mentats. Those guys did LSD, obviously. Thoughts acquire speed and clarity.
LSD definitely helped me understand calculus…
that and ShpongleI’ve had some delightful times on LSD.
Also, it (and some other things) led me to meditation. And that’s real magic.
i’d say it’s the best all psychedelics… all of the others get me the visuals without the mental aspect… except maybe DMT but that’s a lot harder to handle
Right, he demanded “NO FANS” on most products and caused all those components to overheat. He was a true visionary.
He was a marketing and brand genius I give him that.
well you try recording music on a pc with a stupid fan that won’t shut up….
he did a lot of good and bad things… but more than “just a businessman” b.s.
Real story: A friend of mine used his iPhone on his motorcycle and it messed up the OIS. He went to Apple, said they wouldn’t fix it. He went to a third party and they told him they basically have to beg Apple to fix it and get parts so he’d have to leave his phone for a week to MAYBE get it fixed by the grace of the big fruit. He bought a new iPhone. I still don’t understand why.
Get your friend a dampener for their bike. Check out for one example.
The link doesn’t work but he did have a special “isolation mount” but alas. And they specifically write they’re not responsible for damages.
Yeah, there’s no guarantee that’ll save it, but the QuadLock one has lots of videos of tests that seem convincing.
That said, optical image stabilization requires tiny, fairly-fragile parts to float the lenses. It’s kind of a miracle they survive even normal phone abuses, let alone high-frequency, shake-things-to-pieces vibrations.
Oh is this why my camera got fucked up after a long motorcycle trip?
Probably, yeah ☹️
Fake and gay. They will never say your device has parts missing since they know most customers aren’t that stupid. They most of the time say you have water damage or it’s too old for repair.
The Apple Genius Bar sucks ass. But let’s not pretend like any of the other big tech companies do any better. At least Apple has a physical store where they can fuck you over in person. Try getting Samsung shit repaired. In most countries they let a 3rd party company do the handling and repairs and you can’t visit that company. You have to send it in and if they deem your device unrepairable or “not” broken they send it back and you have to pay for shipping both ways even if the device falls under warranty and sometimes they send it back more broken then when it left your hands. While communication happens solely trough email.
I worked the Genius Bar for 3 years and only left a couple of years ago.
I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, in the UK at least, that there is no lying going on. We don’t care about upselling you anything. If we can repair your phone or replace the battery we will.
The reason we decline for say water damage or unauthorised repair is because they want to guarantee the repairs with a warranty and that is hard to do when it has been water damaged or someone else has been in and maybe fucked something up.
Plenty of shit Apple do wrong but the service here is top notch compared to any other manufacturer.
Plenty of shit Apple do wrong but the service here is top notch compared to any other manufacturer.
I don’t understand how this can ever be argued when apple’s record against consumer’s right to repair is like a dictator’s record against their own people.
Is this a case of “Yeah, he killed millions of citizens, that’s true. But he really developed infrastructure”?
I was more referring to service from the staff rather than policies. The staff are not out to fuck you over. We always were honest with customers.
In the UK. Makes sense
Non-related but pretty nice. Broke my pixel 6a screen. I could pay 200 euro to repair shop or order a new screen with in this case ifixit for 110 euro and get all the tools required. Went with the second option and got the satisfaction of replacing my own screen. Worked out perfect and got an official screen. Can’t do that with all phones but pretty nice option imho.
Why did you have to bring homosexuality into this? I thought we were past using gay as a pejorative.
Nah, and I say this as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
They have become cringe again.Give us Stonewall queers not Rainbow Capitalists who only show up when it’s a party.
Damn straight, and that is the only kind of straight we’ll ever be!
stonewall queers? im unfamiliar with that term but im imagining stonewall jackson
It’s just part of greentext memeing to accuse OP/the post of being fake and gay.
Jobs was an idiot. Chose homeopathic crap instead of medicine. I don’t give him credit for anything if he’s that dumb.
He’s free to do that, sure, but anyone doing so is safe to be labeled “moron” by everyone else.
Unless I’ve heard a messed up version of events he will stay in the “idiots that were not beneficial to humans in any way” trash can.
He had one of the few treatable forms of pancreatic cancer and skipped the only known treatment in favour of homeopathic.
If he had “normal” pancreatic cancer I’d maybe give him some slack. It’s just not treatable. But what he had was probably survivable had he treated it immediately.
Well if the treatment is specifically miserable, that could be a factor.
The treatment was surgery. Not even weeks/months of chemo.
His treatment of “eat exclusively one type of fruit a week” IIRC almost hospitalized Kushner when he replicated it while doing the biopic.
Well I tried to give the benefit of doubt even after hating Apple in general. I’m out of ideas of ways he wasn’t a complete idiot that was doing stupid things for stupid reasons. And I’ve always been happy he’s dead since I heard he was.
I actively celebrate deaths of stops and evil people alike. I’ve never seen the point of curbing it under terms like “I don’t wish him dead, but I won’t be sad to see his obituary”. No I am actually am happy he’s dead and just giddy to see his obit.
Kinda like I’m sure everyone was glad to see Hitler dead. I just get happy about evil AND stupid people’s deaths.
Ascend to Fairphone
While I get and applaud the mission of the Fairphone, there are some serious compromises you have to make spec-wise to be on it.
Even in the greentext, dude paid $60, not bad for + ~3 years of life. Your run of the mill Android will probably be cheaper as significantly less “part serializing” bull happens on the android side
It’s not worth the power-handicap they shove in that thing.
“Power handicap” compared to what like a 2k phone? My almost 4.5 yo Pixel 4a is still doing fine in terms of specs. Only the battery is junk by now. I don’t need a phone that is more powerful and more expensive than my freaking PC, I just want one that does not make replacing the battery a huge pain in my ass.
Apart from the price premium, which is still far from Apple’s, and seems rational considering they try to limit impact on the people and the planet, what are those serious compromises? I had the Fairphone 2, and I would agree this one was clunky, and you needed to be somewhat of an activist to stand it. But from the Fairphone 4 that I have now, and likely the 5th, I don’t see much compromise, everything has been perfectly smooth for me.
Writing on a Fair phone 4 it’s amazing to easily replace stuff that breaks but they need to seriously sort out their software side never had a glitchier phone.
What glitches do you have? I also have this one, and I don’t have noticed much issues. The only thing that I noticed is the camera taking a bit of time to return the image when used inside a messaging app, which may be an issue of the app. I have no doubt every phone has some glitches sometimes.
I’ve had all sorts from ghost inputs, slow performance like super lag, going on and off charge affecting apps like Instagram it’ll just play a whole new video and decide it’s now on light mode even though my theme setting is dark. The camera takes ages to start, and you have to hold it still for a second after taking a photo, otherwise it blurs. I’ll add while it’s cool you can replace things, they are often out of stock for certain modules had to wait months for batteries and screens to come back in. It all makes the having a flagship phone for more than 5 years a better argument, as I’ve seen very little response or ability from Fairphone to fix these issues. Great movement and ideology, I just don’t think they’re skilled enough to maintain it well. They just move on to the next new shiny at the same pace a flagship would, defeat the point. They should be following something like the light phone’s development schedule only when it’s nessary of LP doesn’t have the repaiability.
Maybe you have been unlucky with your machine because I haven’t experienced that apart from the slow camera on a messaging app. All I have needed so far is replacing the battery once on my FP2, I’ll probably do that for my 4 too. I agree that the pace of release is a bit too fast given the mission, but I think it’s a commercial compromise they have found to stay afloat.
Apple a bad company? Really? I neeeeever eeeeever heard anything bad about aaaaaple.
No shit Sherlock, it’d obvious AF. It’s one of the wealthiest companies in the world. They didn’t get all that money with honesty. Child labor, slave labor, ripping off consumers, creating a whole new level of corporate greed. Apple is as evil as you can get. Just like Nvidia, Shell, Google, Nestlé, etc.
When Apple can’t exploit poor minorities with targeted ads, things will get better. Probably the most overvalued company out there rn. People don’t realize how much Apple does to keep their pop culture status. It’s getting harder an harder to maintain, but it will never truly go away.
My work got me an Macbook M3. After two weeks of dicking around with it, I went back to my Thinkpad. I don’t get it at all. I thought at least the hardware would be great, but I hate the hardware too. Too heavy, aluminum case feels fucking cold to the touch, screen still isn’t bright enough to work outside, keyboard has that fucked up layout. And although the M-series sets a nice trend, it currently cannot run GNU/Linux without lots of reverse engineering, so fuck that. My 2014 gen Thinkpad is a far better experience. I’m now even more convinced than ever that Apple is just a marketing cult.
I have the same gripe with the aluminum chassis on laptops. I got a cheap Thinkpad Chromebook for personal use and even though the material on the X1 Carbons is a fingerprint magnet, at least it isn’t chilly every time you rest your hands on it.
I wish I had that choice, but my options right now are upgrade to an M3 now or wait until our stock runs out and get an M4. For now, I’ve decided to wait.
Anon is not alone