This happened to a girl I knew that tried to make some money on onlyfans during Covid lockdown. Only lasted 4 months, even though she was pretty attractive. I think guys just assume that as a girl, you can simply post nudes online and make money, while it actually does require consistent effort, marketing skills, and a bit of luck.
on onlyfans, like most platforms, the vast majority of people make little to nothing
Managed my friends only fans for a bit, we got her account to top 4.5%. She brought in ~$1.5K on a good month. One time we got up to $2K. This is with her having done porn with a few big studios and having a decent amount of followers on Twitter. There is no Discovery feature or feed on OF, you have to direct them there through a direct link. Had to keep a consistent production schedule, deal with inquires from patrons. Successfully running and only fans is like running a business, people don’t simply give you money.
Making money requires work
That comes as a surprise for many people
Yeah, people think it’s easy to defraud Social Security. It’s hard pretending that I was born over 150 years ago.
Shit, all the work I had to maintain that fraud. Fuck me, it was tough.
Shut up Elon, we know it is you
Look, just cause I’ve cooked my brain with ketamine, use children as human shields, and an incompetent asshole…does mean I’m Elon.
Fuck. My life sucks.
I imagine it’s as easy to make money off of as YouTube or Twtich, almost impossible.
There’s a bit on the Netflix Pornhub documentary from a camgirl. She notes that she does her own marketing, lighting, camera work, etc., and every once in a while, she masturbates on camera. It’s a real job with real effort.
It’s like sex work is work.
The only people who think sex work isn’t work are terrible at sex.
And probably terrible at work.
Yes, but most of sex work is a sales job
Yeah, you can see this for yourself if you have a VR headset and a couple of sites have VR cams set up.
Mostly they forget they exist (although I’m grateful for the ones that don’t), so you get a kind of behind the scenes look at it all.
The one thing that strikes me is their demeanour the instant they’re off the main cam. These girls are so fucking done with everything and everyone, and it’s not surprising most of them quit after a month or two. Most of them are probably getting a fraction of the money tipped, with a good chunk going to the handlers (a lot of pretend typing going on, and they get directed by the person at the keyboard) and room rent (much of it seems to be in the same handful of buildings somewhere in St Petersburg). Many of them are on multiple sites at once, with phone apps on the go as well.
It’s a real business.
I know so many people trying to make it as streamers who cannot seem to understand that you have to do a lot of work to make anything catch on unless you are crazy lucky/extremely attractive. A regular person playing a game isn’t interesting for others and it takes energy for most to cultivate a following.
My cousin dropped out of university after a few months, and wanted to be a pro gaming streamer instead.
Oddly enough he never did achieve that, and now mostly sits around his parent’s house doing quite a lot of being depressed.
Damn I remember this post from when I was on 4chan still. OP did provide links and his story was 100% true. The girl wasn’t ugly, just kinda plain but almost every pic of her somehow exuded despair, and that was honestly offputting (except for the kind of creeps who get off on that I reckon).
Where are those pics? Where?
Sounds like anon could had made her day by just talking to her
Frankly, I’m glad she was spared the trouble. I can’t imagine they’d be able to offer words of encouragement without seeming intensely parasocial. A generic “you’re hot” wouldn’t have amounted to much. It doesn’t seem like there’s a correct answer, besides finding her irl, flashing her unlocked onlyfans, and begging for her socks
I think this is the Hallmark original romcom I need in my life.
Your post ended in a way I was not expecting.
Great advice right here
A generic “you’re hot” wouldn’t have amounted to much.
I was reading the debate at Lemmy NSFW about downvotes. There was a comment made by one of the content creators about lack of meaningful comments were kind of demoralizing. I try to give genuine compliments cause it’s not easy putting nude photos of yourself to the internet. The internet can be brutal place out there.
Meaning upvotes and bland comments are nice however they don’t replace genuine human interactions that we all seek.
That’s interesting, I just assumed 95% of the posts in nsfw communities were from management firms and collectors.
Maybe it’s for the best he didnt…
Anon experiences empathy for once in their miserable life.
One of the few legit greentexts. lolThere are a lot of people whod appreciate her features so its surprising she didnt get any attention. Maybe anon made up the story and is actually into men?
Nope anon is the girl trying to get your attention
I know that girl’s pain. I, too, want to be a massive whore but nobody wants me. 😔
You can be my whore.
Some girls aren’t in it for the money or fame, they just like posting nudes
Right, but aren’t those girls in it for the attention? The thrill? Sounds like she’s not getting any attention, either.
There’s a difference between none and some.
She gets some attention, not much, but some.
We call it nothing at all, even if it’s not nothing. It’s obvious why we do it, it’s the absence of respect. But we are technically wrong.
People’s views are so skewed by social media numbers. If 10 people came up to you in one day and complemented you, it would probably be the best day of your life…
It’s like people complaining that Lemmy groups only have, using this group as an example, 3.1k users/day and are therefore not worth participating in (these are Reddit arguments, but still).
Somehow people have developed this intuition that unless you have literally millions of interactions then you’re practically invisible. If you were hanging out at a park with 3,100 people you wouldn’t say that it was a small group, but on the Internet this is seen as a tiny number of people, hardly worth mentioning.
While we agree, I want to clarify this:
Lemmy groups only have, using this group as an example, 3.1k users/day
That still means this platform is clearly not anywhere near challenging the big ones, and therefore not really having a big impact on improving the internet the way I want it to. I am especially annoyed by the idiots who want to keep Lemmy small.
On a personal level, 10 is a small crowd and three thousand is a lot of people. But when talking about platforms and impact, it’s not much at all.
And it wasn’t the grinches heart that grew three sizes that day…
Those girls don’t have onlyfans.
You’re saying that the only girls who have onlyfans are those who don’t truly have the stomach for it? In reality, there’s a lot of overlap between fetish communities and OF
Yeah my husband seems to think onlyfans is easy money, like I could just post a nude and money would come rolling in magically, talks about how much big earners are making on YouTube too, but hustling like that is so much harder than having a job, you have to be organized and ambitious and then for every one person making thousands, there are many thousands of people making pennies.
It’s so much easier to just have a job.
I’ve dated pic sellers, and yeah you’ve summed it up. Sex work is work, and it’s mostly a sales job
And more lucrative on average.
IIRC the average creator on OF makes less than a dollar a month
plain, no curves, small tits, goth
Can a brother get a link?
I don’t know you but I fucking love you.
I don’t know you but I fucking hate you
I don’t know you…
that one has quite the substantial fanbase of this sort so this is far from applicable
yeah, where is the r/linkiscute equivalent
Twink, my beloved 🥰🥰
I know it’s probably fake, but I low key think this is the experience of most women, online or not. Men like to think women can just ring a bell and get dick and companionship, judging off of, like, the cream of the crop of women and their (apparent) track record. It’s not always that easy, especially if you aren’t attractive. A lot of men don’t fuck for personality.
Obligatory not all men, yes there are shallow women, and yes it is also hard for men to find partners, and yes they have their own struggles and pressures that make their struggle unique to them.I mean, they probably could, but what’s available to them isn’t exactly the cream of the crop either.
I imagine it’s similar to the gay male experience - I could get a hookup any time of day easily, but the guys aren’t relationship material.
Two sides of the fence reaching for the same cream. 😔
Know your worth and know where you are valued.
This can sound really deep, but it works for shallow too. I’m sorry girl, but the whore market is saturated and very competitive.
Yeah, she really should wait until OP’s mom retires.
That might be a while.
Where do I get my hands on the “aimless schlub” bluebook?
The funny thing is that if this greentext linked this girl OnlyFans, she would gain tons of views just out of pity.
Some of these would even stick around afterwards.
Nah, the post would be removed and OP would get a temp ban (or whoever posted the link).
Imagine equating selling of ones dignity to selling ones pics.
Top Victorian mind, after the morphine clears.
Someone linked what they think was the person in a comment, at best they went to a lot of effort for very little in return.
This is a topic for a community like laststagecapitalism or similar.
Not without a sob-story from the girl. Doubt she did it for the money. Someone with the time and commitment to doing this(if not energy or enthusiam) she demonstrated would make better money doing just about anything else.
Or she was doing drugs, therefore the enthusiasm. Energy fades. Now she is homeless. Or dead.
I mean, I said “if not … enthusiasm” because the only evidence of enthusiasm I’ve seen is the reported volume of her content. The link I followed from a comment here was lacking in quantity, and her pics exuded apathy.
That said, you seem to be assuming she wouldn’t have a day-job or any will to survive, and stating it like common knowlege or even wisdom. I’m not here to correct you, but only because I can’t be bothered. Just … damn. Whatever you say.
…this kind of hurt my heart.