You’re right Ubisoft, I am pretty comfortable not owning your games 🥰
They ran Ass cRee into the ground and launched Uplay with privacy violations.
I boycotted them after thinking they were one of the few good AAA companies.
Now they’re going to die.
Great. Maybe a better studio can reboot Ass cRee and make it wothwhile. Or you know, just leave it the fuck alone.
Same with Far Cry which is a shame because it used to be a really fun dumbshooter series. I got FC6 on sale last month and had to slog through it, I swore off the franchise after finishing the game and haven’t touched it since, even though there’s plenty of post-game content left for me.
Far Cry 6 made some decisions that didn’t make sense to me. I was always running out of ammo, which is something you shouldn’t have to worry about in a Far Cry game. Having essentially just 4 magazines doesn’t go far in a protracted firefight, and the Supremo is inconsistent to use. In Far Cry 5, the amount of ammo you could carry was roughly double the amount.
You could also change your weapons at any time through the menu (so you’re essentially carrying like 50 weapons) but you can’t change your ammo type unless you’re at a workbench (although I think they fixed this later on), which is the opposite of the previous games.
The game map is nice and large but it suffers from generic Point of Interest syndrome that is common in Ubisoft games.
At least the plot was zany at times, particularly the side missions.
Sad to see our resident AAAA game developer not doing well, but it was largely of their own making here.
I haven’t played FC5 nor 6, but the running out of ammo really feels like FC2. Having to scavenge for weapons in the middle of fights or using mounted guns and grenades to kill enemies. Wich I think really improves the game, but it could not be as good in these other releases.
FC2 is the only good Farcry as far as I’m concerned.
I’m not a fan of the current trend of remakes, but a re-release of Far Cry 2 might be the only thing Ubisoft could make that I’d still be interested in.
The degrading weapons, fire physics, and stealth* were leagues better than anything in the later games. If they fixed the instant enemy respawning, added more fast travel stations, and toned down the OP DLC guns that made scavenging weapons pointless it’d be a nearly perfect game.
* YMMV. It had “fire from the brush and reposition while the enemy searches for you” stealth rather than the “crouch behind someone and you’re completely invisible” stealth of later games. I liked it but a lot of people hated FC2’s stealth gameplay.
gets attacked by a huge eagle and drops to low health
Heals himself by removing a bullet from of his arm
I like 3 and 4 too. But I agree, they hit really differently
Well you can’t pick up enemy’s weapons for one. Running out of ammo just means going to the loadout menu and selecting a different weapon
The enemies don’t drop their weapons?
Guess I’ll stick to the older ones
At least the plot was zany at times, particularly the side missions.
The main plot was abysmal though. What the fuck was that ending, the kid was just irrelevant.
4 and 5 had better endings even if they were kind of depressing
Im honnestly impressed by how much of a slog FC6 was. God at launch the people delivering your cars were so painfully slow everyone just resorted to shooting the driver once they showed up. I don’t even know if they’ve fixed that.
I didn’t play it at launch but can attest that I was just shooting the delivery driver because it took so long for him to get out
It was even better than that in my opinion once. FC1 and 2 were fairly intelligent, capable, and innovative shooters. FC3 was dumb fun, but importantly sold ridiculously well so they decided that’s all it would ever be and that gets stale fast.
Honestly, it wasn’t even Assassin’s Creed anymore, it was more like Warrior’s Creed starting from Odyssey to Valhalla, and then they backtracked to more assassin like gameplay with Mirage. I stopped buying their games when I realized how bad Far Cry 5 and Odyssey were.
I like the concept of Origins and Odyssey (I only played some of Odyssey and haven’t cared about AC in ages). You’re right that it shouldn’t have been an AC game though. They could have set it in the same universe and just called it something else, but we can’t have new IPs. Honestly, if they wanted to do the same thing but make more sense for the gameplay, I think you playing a Templar would have been an interesting way to do it. I don’t remember much of the lore, but that seems like it’d work.
I got a lot of early Assassins Creed vibes from Ghost of Tsushima.
It’s the best AC game in years. I can’t wait for the next one.
Literally all they had to do was make good games
Not sure what you mean. They needed more NFTs and AI from what I can tell! /s
Honestly though whenever I hear big companies like this fail, it keeps making me go back to the Steve Jobs interview:
How have I never seen that interview!? Thanks, great stuff…
It’s funny it happened to Apple too
Yeah the full interview is a real treat (in my opinion)
Steve Jobs The Lost Interview:
I’m not gonna defend Steve Jobs as a person at all but there’s some real insightful stuff in the interview. Even just from a historical perspective.
Exactly what is happening at Intel right now. History repeats itself.
Hey, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was great!
Sadly, that’s not necessarily true:
I mean, it’s not true inside a bubble. I’m sure there’s some incredible games that have been made by one person that didn’t find the kind of success that Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Super Meat Boy, etc did. But at a giant corporation like Ubisoft, they’re not on their own! They have marketing people, interns, studios and sub-studios, finance people, trend analysts, etc.
Ubisoft has some great IPs. But all of their best games came out over 20 years ago! So yes, quality is not the only thing, but it definitely matters.
“Company fails to generate infinite revenue even after implementing every abusive tactic known”.
More like, company keeps pushing for short-term profits, runs out of goodwill built up in the past.
Ubisoft had many long standing issues, but disowning The Crew users was the worst possible move they could have made in their already dire situation.
I played and enjoyed both of them, shutting down the first one instead of giving it offline functionality really pissed me off and was the final straw for me with Ubi. It had a fully offline playable story, NPC vehicles to race etc. and the game would’ve been preserved forever.
Instead we got the crew 2, always online AAA signature garbage.
I want to say the same thing…
But then you have like every other corporation on earth doing the same, and most of them see their stock price soar.
Imagine, about five years ago, they peaked at $82.
It was also during that time when they talked about getting into Crypto, NFTs, and all sorts of other get rich quick schemes.
Now look at them.
Gamers say that Ubisoft execs need to get comfortable with not being solvent.
Ubisoft execs need to get comfortable flying coach.
I’m afraid Ubisoft execs won’t feel much from that.
they MBA’d themselves into extinction
edit; everyone with an mba is only qualified to be a farm laborer
Hey now, I know a bunch of farm laborers and started out as one myself.
They are nowhere near qualified for farm labor. That requires being able to work, not just regurgitate platitudes from the most recent bullshit management fad.
Management will destroy this world.
There’s a world where management is treated as an important but not godly position. Where they are schedulers and arbitrators of conflict, and where they aren’t free from consequences because they’re already at the top. And holy hell it’s also not the place where the position is used to promote someone out of where they’re useful simply because paying a labourer more than a manager is seen as unthinkable. It ain’t this one, but I like to think about it sometimes.
Under New Management :)
Farm labor is complicated and specialized.
And fucking physically hard
Yeah then they’d get to suffer being the incompetent bumbling idiot that does the back breaking stuff. MBA appropriate due to their avarice of wanting to exploit people, to clarify.
edit: Not trying to say farm labor isn’t skill intensive, moreso giving them a taste of their own medicine
Every single MBA holder I have met has been a completely shit human being. Without exception.
They’re qualified to be pig feed.
Well said
I guess shareholders got used to not owning their stock?
If only bankruptcy actually meant consequences for those responsible.
Pretty much. The leadership team all have a golden parachute and will be integrated back into an industry and fuck that up too.
It’s a shame that they don’t have a literal golden parachute.
I sentence the investors and executives to lives of extreme luxury
I entirely stopped playing Ubisoft games because they require me to sign in to play.
I tried Anno 1800 because it was free on PS+ and immediately ran into a login wall.
Same thing when I tried Assassin’s Creed.
They’re not even online games. I get needing to log in to CoD because you’re playing online, but blocking the offline mode is asinine.
So why would I bother buying an Ubisoft title when I know I’m going to open it up and hit that stupid login wall and privacy policy.
I get needing to log in to CoD because you’re playing online
That shouldn’t be needed either. A PSN or Steam account should be enough.
It used to be enough. I played so much COD4 back in the day on Xbox and the only login I ever needed was my Xbox account.
But nowadays, they want more data from you than the platform is willing or allowed to share, so you need to log in to their service.
This is why I stopped buying Sony games on Steam. Requiring a PS account for a singlellayer game is absurd.
That’s why I only buy from the fitgirl store.
I entirely stopped playing Ubisoft games because they require me to sign in to play.
I straight up can’t play half of their games on PlayStation because of this. I had a different PSN account 15 years ago that my Ubisoft account is associated with and apparently your Ubisoft account can only be tied to one PSN account EVER. I’m not creating a new email just to sign up for Ubisoft play. So I don’t buy their games 🤷
And that’s the kind of thing their metrics will never reveal to them.
I think if you just asked players you’d get an overwhelming pushback on the account issues.
fwiw you can reach out to support and they’ll change the link for you.
It fucking dropped my Far Cry game because THEIR servers had an issue, not my internet connection.
Lost progress, replayed it, it happened again, never bought anything from them again.
The rest can burn, but man, Anno 1800 really is/was the best in its series, mandatory logins or not. It’s the only game I still hold on to my ubi account for, and I dread the day they’ll go under, because they’ll take the Mainz team and the Anno games down with them.
I took their advice and got comfortable not owning Ubisoft games.
They make it so easy: anything they release I’ve already played years ago already.
i quit after AC4. kept up with the news and reviews, seems I never really missed anything good.
It’s because they’re not AAA anymore. They went AAAA so I guess they’ve had a financial rating overflow and now they’ve gone negative.
They’ve gone plaid
I always drink coffee when I watch radar.
Ubisoft executives need to become comfortable with “not being employed.”
Unfortunately, that’s not how this works.
This is late stage capitalism, execs are judged on how much money they managed to squeeze out before the company died. They’ll be hired immediately specifically to do it again somewhere else.
The company dying in incidental.
Some will take the blame, take millions as parachute payments, then the low level workers will have their jobs cut.
I really enjoyed Driver: San Francisco. Then Ubisoft introduced UPlay and I couldn’t play it anymore. That was the last time I installed anything from Ubisoft.
I tried to reinstall it recently and it complained that you can’t install 32bit software from Steam anymore. I guess I’ll never play another Ubisoft game.
Do better Ubisoft
Stop fucking outsourcing and actually fund your devs, consider firing from the top down as your managers aren’t doing shit for the company
I’m legitimately at the point where I hope they don’t pivot and are just forced to sell off their IP. There’s just too many reasons to not like them.
Selling IP can go both ways. It could be picked up by someone wanting to do better, or it could be picked up by someone just after a quick buck by doing the bare minimum.
And then there’s Rocketwerkz - They originally bid to develop Kerbal Space Program 2 for Take2, but they lost the bid because the winners showed up fancy concept art while rocketwerkz focused on a solid technical foundation. And then Take2 severely botched KSP2 and the franchise is now considered dead. Rocketwerkz is now building something relevamt from scratch, with their own IP, and it looks really promising. I hope this happens to a lot more AAA titles and IP holders.
KSP2 is such a sad situation all around. The guys working on it had the same idea and were going to build a brand new engine for it to fix the tech debt of the original, but management demanded that they use the original engine “to speed up development time.”
Ubisoft is owned and run by a family who are super old French aristocrats who trace their family wealth back generations. The Guillemots have zero idea what their customers want or how to make a good game. They want to make money and don’t care what the poor have to say in criticism or frustration. They are too insulated to feel like they have to improve - it’s the children who are wrong.
It’s hilarious that they are trying to condition the sale of the company on letting the guillemots retaining control.
Let it burn.
I was never very into Ubisoft or their titles, so I’m perfectly content with everything burning to the ground, hoping it’ll send a signal to franchises I actually care about:
Stop developing games for focus panels, and try to innovate instead.
Also, please sell Nadeo to someone who deserves the Trackmania IP.
Ubisoft just needs to get comfortable with no longer owning their games. 😈
Ubisoft needs to get comfortoble with not owning their company